Quiz: What Type of Traveler are You?

This afternoon I received an email from kayak with the subject line “The 7 Types of Travelers” and was ready to hit the delete button. Don’t know what possessed me but I decided to open and then <gasp>, I read it. They even had a quiz to determine what type of traveler you are. Guess what I did! I took the quiz. I was ready for the result to say that I am adventurous and the life of the party.

Nope! The result was I am a “bougie” traveler lol. Okay, in their words, I am a “THE HIGH ROLLER”. “Just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you’re giving up your luxe life. VIP Access, boutique hotels, boujee mimosa bars… you’re on it. No matter where you go, you know the best nightclubs, the hottest food trends, and the poshest spas. But your friends know you’re willing to tag them into the airport lounge so it’s all good”

I can’t tell a lie…..this is so me! Even though I can travel on a budget, I like the nice 4-star and above accommodations.

To the point, a friend is planning a trip to Salt Lake City and Moab, Utah in July. So, she sent me a text with her hotel of choice in Moab. As she puts it “I am a picky person”. Moi! Never! I looked at the hotel and replied “does the door open to the outside? If it is a yes, then the hotel is No.” However, I can compromise! I am not so “bougie” and we settled on the La Quinta. Now you know me a little bit or maybe too much about me.

Any who, take the quiz and tell me which type of traveler are you?

Travel Personality

The Life of the Party. If there’s a party going on, you’re at the center of it. You can talk to anyone, no matter the place or language barrier (that time you made best friends with a Panamanian boat captain, even though you don’t speak Spanish? Legendary). And while sometimes you may push the envelope a bit too far, your friends are never bored when they travel with you.

The Super Saver. You never met a two-for-one deal that you didn’t like. While others are excited to plan fancy meals and expensive city excursions, you’re looking for the best street eats and DIY walking tours. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to save a few pennies, just be sure you’re not ordering only salad and water at every meal.

The Flow Master. Dude, you’re up for anything, anywhere, anytime. Though your indecision might make some of your friends a bit batty, it’s your laid-back, free-flowing attitude that makes you such a joy to travel with. No matter what, you keep a calm, cool head and are always looking for a good time.

The MVP (Most Valuable Planner). Vacation on the horizon? You’ve got this. When it comes to planning, you like to take charge. Your friends can expect you to not only plot out the perfect itinerary but also to coordinate all their travel plans. You know the ins and outs of planning the perfect getaway, including choosing places and things to do that’ll satisfy all your friends’ personalities. When it comes to going away together, your friends turn to you to make it happen.

The Critic. You’ve got opinions and aren’t afraid to voice them. Whether it’s the beach being too sandy, the trendy hotspot being too trendy or the bathroom of your hotel being too bathroom-y, you’ve got something to say. And while, for the most part, it can get you into some trouble, it’s your discerning taste that forces your friends to come up with some amazing ideas.

The Late-Comer. Seriously, though, where the $%&! are you. You’re the friend that texts “just left” when you wake up in the morning. And never in your life have you actually been “only 5 minutes away.” While you might make your friends panic every time you plan a trip together, you know that deep down it’s your lateness that keeps the adrenaline pumping. Will he make the flight? Will she sleep through the 4 am tour bus pick-up? Likely. But they love you for it.

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