Eating our way through Cartagena

Cartagena, Colombia, is a city that captivates with its vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning architecture. Yet, one of its most alluring aspects is the food. From traditional Colombian dishes to fresh seafood, eating in Cartagena is an adventure in itself. Here’s a taste of our culinary journey through this enchanting city.

Breakfast Delights

Our day began with a traditional Colombian breakfast at La Brioche, a charming café nestled in the heart of Cartagena. We indulged in arepas, a corn cake served with cheese and eggs, fresh fruit, and a cup of rich Colombian coffee. This hearty meal set the perfect tone for a day of exploration.

Street Food Adventures

Cartagena’s streets are filled with the enticing aromas of local street food. We couldn’t resist trying arepas de huevo, a deep-fried corn cake stuffed with egg, and carimañolas, yucca fritters filled with meat or cheese. The street vendors, with their friendly banter and quick smiles, added a touch of local flavor to our experience.

Seafood Extravaganza

Being a coastal city, Cartagena boasts an impressive array of seafood. At La Cevicheria, we savored fresh ceviche, a dish of marinated raw fish or seafood, bursting with citrusy flavors and accompanied by plantain chips. The seafood stew, cazuela de mariscos, rich with shrimp, mussels, and fish, was another highlight of our culinary journey.

Sweets and Treats

No culinary tour of Cartagena would be complete without sampling the local sweets. At Portal de los Dulces, a bustling market filled with stalls of traditional sweets, we tried cocadas (coconut candies) and arequipe (a caramel-like spread). These sweet treats offered a delightful end to our day of culinary exploration.

Dining with a View

We headed to Café del Mar, a rooftop restaurant overlooking the Caribbean Sea for dinner. The sunset provided a stunning backdrop as we enjoyed a fusion of Colombian and international dishes. The grilled fish, paired with a refreshing cocktail, was the perfect way to conclude our gastronomic adventure in Cartagena.

Final Thoughts

Cartagena’s culinary scene is as vibrant and diverse as the city itself. Every meal was a new adventure from hearty breakfasts and street food snacks to exquisite seafood and sweet treats. Eating our way through Cartagena was not just about the food, but also about the stories behind each dish and the people who made our experience unforgettable.