“Ser negro es hermoso y yo quiero ser negro” means to be To be black is beautiful and I love being black!
Cartagena has a lot of history! A lot of pride! A lot of activism!
There’s a whole story behind these photos. It is not a negative! It is a source of pride!
Estirpe Caribe
The Lineage of the Indigenous people of South America
Mimetismo Criollo
The Evolution of the South American People
Un Rumor entre Bembas
The art throughout the city is a form of protest. Showing that people who look a certain way are being pushed out of their neighborhoods in the city and moved out into the outer villages. However, the paintings are saying do not be ashamed of your strong (African) features. The title of one of the pieces is “un rumor entre bembas” basically use those lips to keep our (African) stories alive.
Use those lips to tell the story!
Las Fiestas de Noviembre
Cartagena, known as “la ciudad amurrallada”, received its independence from Spain on November 11, 1933, and every year since has celebrated with a party which over the decades has grown considerably larger. In honor of their independence, the mural/art depicts the traditional costumes and masks, celebrate “las fiestas de Noviembre” over the span of a week or so, with carnivals, parades, speeches, fireworks, dance performances and traditional Caribbean Music.
The art is definitely shocking and in today’s world, it can be easily misinterpreted. However, this is not the case. This is what you see and experience as you learn about the Real Cartagena. The locals are proud of their heritage and are very proud to be black.