Emergency Numbers Around the World

emergencynumberHave you ever traveled abroad and wondered what is the emergency number?  Last month, while I was in New Zealand, that question popped up in my head.  No, I did not have an emergency situation, but I had no idea what number to call.  The first number that came to mind was 911 and I realized that may not be in the number in other countries.

Well, I did some research and found out that 911 is the primary number to use in an emergency in about 47 countries.  In Europe, the popular number is 112 and 999 in the Asia/Africa region.    However, if you dial 911 internationally, it will be routed to that country’s emergency switchboard.

Below is the breakdown of countries emergency numbers by continent.

Africa – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”2″ class=”hover-col1 center-table-align”]

Antarctica – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”1″ class=”hover-col1 center-table-align”]

Asia – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”3″ class=”hover-col1 center-table-align”]

Europe – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”4″ class=””]

Oceania – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”5″ class=”hover-col1 center-table-align”]

North America – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”6″ class=”hover-col1 center-table-align”]

South America – Emergency Numbers

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”7″ class=”hover-col1 center-table-align”]

Hopefully, you will never have to dial the emergency number,  but it is pertinent information that you must have when traveling internationally.


(21) Comments

  1. Lizzy

    EXCELLENT resource!! I’m traveling abroad next summer so this will come in handy!

  2. chaza

    Such a great info. I never thought about too until I see this post about an emergency when you are in another country. Thank you so much for sharing. Very helpful.


  3. Agnes

    These are some things that we never think when traveling. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Amber Myers

    This is so helpful to know! I’ll keep this in mind when I travel.

  5. Ivonne

    Excellent information to get acquainted with, especially for frequent fliers!

  6. Cricket

    This is so important to know when you’re travelings!

  7. Holly

    An absolutely awesome and much needed resource for international travelers. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Vyjay

    This is vital information that needs to be available with every traveler. When you are traveling and in an emergency situation in a foreign country, it is better to be prepared and have all important information.

  9. Jill Wiley

    This is a fabulous resource! Thank you for compiling it!

  10. lisa

    Wow this is a good resource to know. so many countries have the same. did not know that.

  11. Leticia

    Very interesting to know. I didn’t realize how many countries utilize the 911 system.

  12. Ari

    Super useful info to have! Thanks for looking out for your fellow travelers!

  13. andrea

    Very helpful post and this day & age these numbers are needed. thank you for sharing

  14. Nina

    This is an excellent resource! I just moved from the US to Spain, and noticed that Spain was not on any of the European lists (but Gibraltar was). Is it also 112 for Spain? Thanks!


  15. anne

    This is great information! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Janine Good

    This is awesome. I have pinned this. I travel often and this is so handy. thank you so much for putting this together!

  17. Shelby Bromley

    Excellent for anyone who is traveling out of their country!

  18. Reuven

    Very useful resource! BTW, who answers in Antarctica

  19. Jennfier

    I have never thought about which number to dial if an emergency occurs while traveling abroad. This is a great recourse list!! I have traveled to Venezuela before and the thought never crossed my mind. Pinning to my travel board!

  20. Gabbi

    Thanks for the info

  21. Heather Denniston

    That is interesting. I travel A TON and never thought to consider that I should know these! Thankyou!

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